Selection Guide

To make the best informed choice, see the table below. It lists laser education applications and the best laser choice for a particular use. The top row lists all of our major laser product categories. In general, Helium-Neon (He-Ne) lasers are the preferred choice if you require long coherence length and wavelength stability for optical interformetric experiments. Diode lasers are the best choice for communications experiments.
Experiments/Model | IF-RL | IF-VL | IF-UL | IF-HN | IF-HNM* |
Type | Diode | Diode | Diode | He-Ne | Helium-Neon Modulated |
Refraction & Reflection | $ | $$ | $$ | $ | $$ |
Lens | $ | $$ | $$ | $ | $ |
Beam Convergence Divergence | $ | $$ | $$ | $ | $$ |
Diffraction | N/R | N/R | N/R | $ | $$ |
Polarization | Linear polarization | Linear polarization | Linear polarization | Random polarization | Random polarization |
Holography | N/R | N/R | N/R | $ | $$ |
Perimeter Security | $ | $$ | $$ | $** | $$** |
Light Shows | $ | $$ | $$ | $ | $$ |
Voice Communications | $ | N/R | $$ Most versatile | N/S | $ |
Baseband Video Transmission | N/S | $ | N/S | N/S | N/S |
RF Video Transmission | N/S | N/S | Best choice | N/S | N/S |
$ Best laser value for the application
$$ Laser is well suited to application, but other, lower priced, alternatives exist
N/S Not suitable
N/R Not recommended for holography and diffraction experience
* HNM - HE-Ne Laser - Modulated
** The higher the laser's power, the quicker the exposure